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The Jump-Up Dark-Sky Sanctuary

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From this vantage point atop The Jump-Up Dark-Sky Sanctuary, you can see the future site of the new Museum of Natural History, as well as the endless flat country that stretches out towards the horizon. This position allows us to monitor the Museum's construction, the restoration of plant species and the site's seasonal changes, from drought periods to lush green vegetation. Although it may seem static, this dynamic landscape supports abundant life both day and night. We are dedicated to safeguarding this site for present and future generations. Your input is invaluable in shaping our environmental and lighting management strategies for the area.

About Australian Age of Dinosaurs Museum of Natural History

The Australian Age of Dinosaurs Museum of Natural History is located atop The Jump-Up Dark-Sky Sanctuary, a towering mesa approximately 24km south-east of Winton in Central West Queensland. This science-based not-for-profit museum and major tourist attraction is focused on preserving Australia's fossil heritage for the benefit of future generations, providing valuable learning experiences and inspiration. Within the Museum, visitors can explore the most productive Fossil Preparation Laboratory in the Southern Hemisphere, the Reception Centre, Dinosaur Canyon featuring life-sized bronze dinosaur dioramas, the “March of the Titanosaurs” exhibition, which houses Australia's best-preserved sauropod tracksite and the Gondwana Stars Observatory.

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