May 4, 2022

Chicopee Lake Watershed Monitoring

Chicopee Lake Watershed Monitoring

Since 2022

In Georgia, US


This chronolog combines 209 photos from 60 contributors. Learn more

About this site

This Chronolog Photo Monitoring Station is aimed at checking the wetland line around Chicopee Lake over time, specifically for flood zone areas and wildlife impacts at high water table times. We appreciate all photos taken that aid us in the Conservation efforts to keep Chicopee Lake a pristine wildlife area for our local flora and fauna. 

About Elachee Nature Science Center

Our Vision

For Sustainability

Elachee seeks to instill an appreciation, understanding and concern for the natural world by fostering an interest in personal commitment to preserving our natural resources and the environment for future generations to enjoy.

Elachee will become a national, model environmental education center of excellence building an environmentally literate society capable of sustaining a healthy world for all living things by:

  • Integrating environmental education into all learning;
  • Offering substantive programs and exhibits;
  • Reaching larger, diverse audiences; and
  • Managing the Chicopee Woods Nature Preserve. 

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