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Markham Courthouse Tiny Forest

In Illinois, US


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This is the Markham Courthouse’s Tiny Forest in Cook County, IL. This 20 by 40 foot plot was planted with help from the Nordson Green Earth Foundation and community members in Markham, Illinois on May 20th, 2022. It is the state of Illinois’ first Miyawaki Forest, a method developed by Japanese botanist Akira Miyawaki that focuses on creating dense, biodiverse forests using native species with no chemical fertilizers or pesticides. This technique mimics natural forests and allows for forests to mature rapidly, in a matter of 20-30 years, becoming self-sustaining after only 2-3 years. Submitting a picture to this Chonolog will help to document the growth of this tiny forest into a thriving biodiverse ecosystem, showcasing the transformation over time.


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