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Long Creek Trail


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This scenic trail winds its way high above Long Creek  for about 3/4 of a mile through enormous maples and oaks and currently ends at a point at the water's edge with lovely views of a nearby cove. The opposite shore, under the pine trees, is an important traditional Abanaki meeting site called The Smoking Tree. This spot was used in the 17th century as a place to negotiate important treaties between early English settlers and local Native Americans.

Optimal hiking can be had at high tide and when the foliage of the forest muffles traffic noise making it feel like you are in a refuge from the hustle and bustle.

The trail is unique in that its first couple hundred feet from the trailhead at Opportunity Alliance offers hikers impressive, even dizzying, views down to the creek and its tidal marshlands. Watch your step! It is for this reason that the trail is not recommended for winter use. The trail proceeds west gradually dropping in elevation from the high upper banks to the water's edge. Several points along the route provide great birding opportunities. 

About South Portland Land Trust


The South Portland Land Trust  is committed to linking neighborhoods and improving quality of life in South Portland by expanding and maintaining  trail networks and by conserving open spaces that are significant historically, educationally, recreationally, or ecologically. 


The South Portland Land Trust is part of the Southern Maine Conservation Collaborative's Climate Change Observatory Network ,  a photo monitoring program designed to work with environmental organizations and communities to assist with the observation, measurement and documentation of long-term climate change trends and climate adaptation projects.  

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