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Chamberlain-Reynolds Memorial Forest


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Squam Lakes Association (SLA) & New England Forestry Foundation (NEFF) 

This Choronlog  will help to understand changes to this wetland area and vegetation over time. Located at the Wetland Walk trail in Chamberlain-Reynolds Memorial Forest in Center Harbor, NH located off of College Rd.  This 169-acre forest is owned by the NEFF and has approximately 5 miles of trails managed by the SLA. We are monitoring this area because these habitats are sensitive to any drastic changes to water quality and also provide habitat to many species in the  Squam Watershed. 

About Squam Lakes Association

The Squam Lakes Association is dedicated to conserving for public benefit the natural beauty, peaceful character, and resources of the watershed. In collaboration with local and state partners the SLA promotes the protection, careful use, and shared enjoyment of the lakes, mountains, forests, open spaces, and wildlife of the Squam Lakes region.

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