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West Rattlesnake


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Squam Lakes Association (SLA) & The University of New Hampshire (UNH)

This Chronolog location is great way to view Squam Lake as well as capture information about ice in, ice out, foliage peak and drop, our recreational lake use, weather, and the possibility of any air quality concerns. Located at the summit of West Rattlesnake (1,214 ft elv.) in Holderness NH, about one third of the Rattlesnakes are located on the Armstrong Natural Area, owned by UNH and trails managed by the SLA. 

About Squam Lakes Association

The Squam Lakes Association is dedicated to conserving for public benefit the natural beauty, peaceful character, and resources of the watershed. In collaboration with local and state partners the SLA promotes the protection, careful use, and shared enjoyment of the lakes, mountains, forests, open spaces, and wildlife of the Squam Lakes region.

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